The first in a new series of short articles giving you guys the fans & readers of all things Point1 some insight to what makes some of our well known athletes tick! First up is the angriest man in Scottish downhill, 24th place at the first stop of this years DH World Cup in Lourdes, 2nd at the recent SDA in Glencoe, Fraser McGlone, from Oban in Scotland is aiming to plant his large Trek Session firmly in the top 15 at next week’s Fort William World Cup!

1) Favourite meal after a tough day of training gainzzz
Favourite meal recently has probably been tuna steak, sweet potatoes and veg (lots of veg to keep coach happy)
2) The training sessions you are most and least happy to see on the weekly plan?
Most happy – When there’s lots of DH and moto involved!
Least happy- When there’s gym on the programme I really get fed up of the gym!
3) Favourite race track/s?
Thats a hard question, you get a lot of tracks that are fun in practice but a mission to race on. Lourdes was good fun to ride but bloody scary to race on! But one track I’m really looking forward to this year is Val di Sole, always have a really good time riding my bike there!
4) Number 1 interest away from the world of bike riding and racing?
Can moto be classed as away from bike riding? If so that. But if not I do like blasting about in my old VW mk2 Scirocco, always puts a smile on my face whenever I get in it and give it full noise.
5) Happiest when…….?
The suns out with a good bunch of guys riding any kind of bikes!