Tough day in the saddle or better yet standing on the pedals slappin’ turns and berms? – Feeling like a treat straight after riding or something sweet after your main meal but don’t want to stop the Gainzzz (yes 3 Z’s) train?
Well here’s the simplest tastiest treat going and “functional” to boot.
Chocolate Mousse that helps you Recover! – Voodoo magic surely!?
200g of Fromage Frais – (why Fromage Frais – because it’s “alive” with cultures and a nutritional
40g of High 5 Recovery Protein Powder (I used chocolate flavour)
1 Egg White – whisked
Optional Vanilla Essence to taste
How To
1. Whisk the Egg White so she’s “peaky”!
2. In a separate bowl mix together your two scoops (more if you’ve had a wild day) of High5 RP
3. Slowly combine your egg whites with your Fromage Frais/RP mix and boooom you’re done
Optional extras: Add some vanilla essence, dark chocolate flakes/shavings, coconut pieces or top with frozen or fresh berries! All depends on your nutritional needs and energy expenditure for the day not to mention your current goals!

Here’s the exact nutritional breakdown of a 100g Serving! – Multiple by 2 if you eat the whole lot in one – easy do!